viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Photos Open meeting on the European Voluntary Service and youth mobility

On day 28 took place of  Sempre a frente the event titulate: Open meeting on the European Voluntary Service and youth mobility

At this meeting, the EVS mans: David, Borek and Unai, explained everything about the project to the citizenship of Lublin who wanted to be present.
The event was a success, Here you have some photos, on the tab at the top of this blog you have a section which explains all the evs.

A city steeped in history

After seeing last week Mdjanek, yesterday, cultural visit to Lublin.
We could see the castle and its chapel, which runs every 30 minutes empty to clear the air ... It have almost 500 years!
Also some churches and old parts of the city.

In the next, the museum of weapons!


In Poland also I found time to enjoy the sport. The last tuesday I could play a game with friends Aisec international, the other team was full of Lublin players.

The result: 8-6, write down 3 goals and once the wood.

If someone wants to be I part of your team, I'll be happy!

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013


Great Day at the movies with the kids!

                                                     and to finish a delicious ice cream!

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Open meeting on the European Voluntary Service and youth mobility

Coming soon (28 August 2013) at the Center for Information and Development Youth Kowalska Street 3 in Lublin will host an open meeting on the European Voluntary Service and youth mobility. It will be led in English by three extremely sympathetic volunteers of our foundation: John Dvorak - Borka (Czech Republic), Unai Hilario (Spain) and David Lorenzo (Spain).

The meeting is open and can appear on it every young, interested in the above-mentioned subject person. You are welcome! :)

Już niedługo (28 sierpnia 2013) w Centrum Informacji i Rozwoju Młodzieży na ulicy Kowalskiej 3 w Lublinie odbędzie się otwarte spotkanie dotyczące wolontariatu europejskiego i mobilności młodzieży. Poprowadzone będzie ono w języku angielskim przez trzech, niezwykle sympatycznych wolontariuszy naszej fundacji: Jana Dvoraka – Borka (Czechy), Unai Hilario (Hiszpania) i Davida Lorenzo (Hiszpania). 

Spotkanie jest otwarte, a pojawić się może na nim każda młoda, zainteresowana wyżej wymienioną tematyką osoba. Serdecznie zapraszamy! :) 

Poster one

Poster and movie activities Smurfs 2


jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

Shark Unai

Today great day on the lake. It's a great place to do many things including ... aqua ski!

Bar Piotrus Pan

Piotrus bread is the bar where we eat almost every day, it is located very near Sempre Head, Kowalska street number 11Elisa is like my third mother after the original and Ola.. :P
It is a very charismatic! If you want to see the link pinchad, podreis visit the place!

martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

Paced by Will Smith

The first week has been very intense, I have met many people and my home for one year.

But if I choose a time would choose on Friday 9 when we met a sympathetic children from a summer school in Lublin.

Together with my friend Borek and Ola, went to introduce ourselves and make some games. To thank the children we danced a song by Will Smith, is one of my favorite actors!

Rollover to life

It all started in December 2012, I informed the young European programs in youth information center in Valencia, Spain.

Suddenly I wondered if I could be one of the guys who were going to live their adventure, serious hard and also funny, but maybe this would change my life.

I've been here one week, is August 2013, I do not control anything much English and Polish language but I have plenty of enthusiasm and motivation to eat the world from Lublin, welcome to Lublinai.