
Description and history of Lublin Poland

Lublin, the largest city in the southeastern Poland, is well endowed with historic buildings, which luckily didn’t experience significant war damage. The most attractive district of Lublin is the Old Town. It is so small and compact that it takes less than an hour to get to know its narrow, winding streets. The Old Town was once surrounded by fortified walls, of which the only significant remnant is the Krakow Gate. Built in a Gothic Style, it received and octagonal Renaissance superstructure in the 16th century.
The facades of the houses are decorated with Mannerist and Baroque ornamentation and have splendid attics.
At the center of the Old Town is the Market Square with its Old Town Hall, which from 1478 was the seat of the royal tribunal.
Lublin also has many museums, cathedral and interesting castle.
Even today when most of the historical cities have their old quarters beautifully restored or rebuilt Lublin is still painfully struggling with this task.
That is why it’s very unusual and amazing to admire the natural aging of such a historical buildings with new cafes and restaurants popping here and there.
Any tourist coming here notices very quickly the signs of revival of Judaism in Lublin. The Jewish community developed in Lublin in the mid of the 14th century, and grew so rapidly that in some 200 years the town had the third largest Jewish population in Poland, after Krakow and Lvow. In the middle of 18th century, Jews formed half of the city inhabitants and just before WWWII about 30%
Over three dozen synagogues and four Jewish graveyards existed here.
Now there is one synagogue and the remains of the Concentration Camp called Majdanek, which is located just outside Lublin.
There is also couple of Jewish Cemeteries, one is from the 16th century, which is the oldest cemetery in Poland, and a new one was founded in 1988.
Lublin has its own distinct Jewish Trail, which you can follow around the Old Town. Popular Jewish restaurants with music and excellent food are the evident examples of revival of Judaism in Lublin.

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