EVS project

EVS is a learning experience in the field of non-formal education, in which young volunteers improve or acquire skills for their personal, educational and professional as well as social integration.

Volunteers / as develop the voluntary activity in a country other than their country of residence. This activity, unpaid and non-profit, full-time is realized over a given period for the benefit of the community.

An EVS project has three components:

The service: Volunteer / a is taken in by a promoter in a country other than their country of residence for a specified time
Continued support to the volunteer: the promoters must provide support before, during and after the service. The support is personal, task-related, linguistic and administrative support (insurance, visa, residence permit).
The EVS training cycle: The EVS is a learning situation for the young in every way. The formation of the voluntary / a is mandatory. Your goal is to guide volunteers / as throughout the learning process before, during and after their voluntary service abroad.
The training cycle consists of the following training sessions and assessment:

Pre-departure training
Arrival training
interim evaluation
EVS Annual Event
What is European Voluntary Service?

Volunteer occasional, unstructured, part-time.
an internship in a company.
paid work should not replace a job
a leisure activity or sightseeing.
a language course.
exploitation of cheap labor.
a period of study or vocational training abroad.

So for my, Unai, the Evs project is a unique opportunity for the young people to develop their skills and can open your mind besides the other minds.

Every day more I,m more happy and I feel more power for be living this unique experience. Now, I'm trying to follow other voluntering when I finish my EVS in "Sempre a Frente fundation" of Lublin, Poland.

It is one of the best moves of my life to have met the program and be part of it. I love my job here with children and young people here because it makes me feel really great,

Greetings to all! 

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