miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

the 10th

As most people know, I'm a big football fan. A few days ago was the final of the Champions league and my team won! It was a very fun time with my Polish "Madridistas" friends in the pub!

Musical Theater

For yesterday I created a theater workshop based exercises with music! It was a really fun evening!

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Logo "Hip hop stars"

Today I present the new logo of our  hip hop dance group: "Hip Hop stars"

The children chose the name of the group and after I made this logo to put on our future T-shirt! In addition we will make a great performance at the end of June in the final party of course one of the schools of Lublin!

Workshop of hip-hop: choreography of "Let's Get Ridiculous"

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Movie Theater in Sempre: Ice Age

Yesterday we had a special meeting for moms with our Pedagogic specialist Kasia. For the smallers, I created a cinema room in my usual room of the work! what do you think? The movie was "Ice Age"! Furthermore also we had cookies and juice of fruits mmmm!

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Our Super heros!

In yesterday's theather workshop class we created our own super heroes!

Roza: Super Kicia, Natalka: Super Blue, Maja: Superpuszotek, Mateusz: Super Man,
 Jowitka: Superspidermenka
All had a special personality, one super power and one super debility! After we put our super heros a prove their fantastic ability  in later games. Here we see a secret video of our Super Heroes on they trying to win the "test of gravity"!

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Happy birthday Poland!

Last Friday poland fulfilled 10 years belonging to the European Union and for celebrate they organized festive events in the city of Lublin

Concerts, exhibitions of photos ... it was a fun day. Also the next day was held flag day , every street had flags of Poland!